Download & Install the Xilinx LabTools package from the Xilinx Website
Set the following environment variables:
It’s recommended to add them to the System variables section
When using the Windows Environment Variables dialog to add System Environment Variables,
please make sure that you append or prepend the additional Xilinx paths to the already existing System PATH variable on your system
e.g. Variable name: PATH, Variable value: %XILINX%\lib\nt;%XILINX%\bin\nt;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem
Xilinx LabTools 14.6
XILINX = C:\Xilinx\14.6\LabTools\LabTools
PATH = %XILINX%\lib\nt;%XILINX%\bin\nt;%PATH%
Note: For 64 bit Windows, the 64 bit server version of CSE JTAG must be used with the 32 bit LabTools enviroment.
Xilinx LabTools 14.6
1. Set up the environment variables as follows (pointing to the 32bit version of the LabTools installation):
XILINX = C:\Xilinx\14.6\LabTools\LabTools
PATH = %XILINX%\lib\nt;%XILINX%\bin\nt;%PATH%